SambaPOS V3

Touch Screen POS Software for Restaurants

This project is maintained by emreeren

What is this?

If you are a restaurant owner and need an easy and powerful POS Software you found it! SambaPOS is working on production environments for more than a year and it supports 14 languages. You can find latest stable SambaPOS Releases and documentation on SambaPOS Website. When you need help visit SambaPOS Forums. We'll try to answer your questions there.

What is going on here?

If you are familiar with SambaPOS you'll know to we started V3 version as a new project and rewrited most of it. We also moved to Github. We do development tasks here such as publishing source code, keeping track of issues and communicating with other contributors.

Can I use this on my Restaurant?

SambaPOS V3 is still in Alpha state so new SambaPOS V3 releases will regenerate database and you'll loose everything. So until we reach to a better state use it only for testing purposes. For stable SambaPOS releases visit website. You can safely install & run V2 and V3 versions on same computer side by side.

How to contribute?

If you are a developer you can help me by developing new features, finding coding problems or suggesting anything you want. If you are a user you can report bugs or suggest new features. You can report V3 issues from our Issues List and for your V3 questions you can use V3 Development Forum


Whenever I submit code here, a new SambaPOS V3 setup automatically builds on our CI Server. That means when you see an issue completed on our issue list you can immediately test it by downloading the latest setup. Finding the latest setup might seem a little tricky. Every line on this the table is a different setup and the latest one is on the top of the list. By clicking the links on Artifacts column you'll find links to related setup application.

SambaPOS Artifacts

You can also download latest source code zip file by clicking here.

Thank you!